Ever have one of those days when you repeatedly dissolved into crazy laughter over something? It happened to me yesterday and I am only now beginning to regain my composure.
The morning after the State of the Union address, it was reported in our local newspaper that the town planning commission, after much consideration and input from citizens, had passed a resolution to allow the keeping of chickens within the town limits.
I know this is not really a laughing matter. Many people in our little town are avid organic gardeners and it follows that they would like to be able to keep chickens so as to have fresh eggs on the breakfast table. Apparently there was a city ordinance banning the raising of chickens within the town limits, but this past December, after some public outcry, a moratorium was placed on the its enforcement, pending review. It now appears the anti-chicken ordinance will be repealed at the next town council meeting in February.
The planning commission has recommended a limit of six chickens per household, absolutely no roosters allowed, and "it would be a persons own prerogative as to whether they want to fence their chickens."
Now, I'm not a big-city gal, having lived in the Colorado mountains for most of my adult life. When I was a kid, we lived way out in the country and my mother did, in fact, buy eggs from some folks down the road. People in rural areas all over the country are raising chickens and I apologize to any who might be offended that I found this story so amusing. I read the article again and again and each time I dissolved into uncontrollable laughter - not at our town or at the lovely people here who want to keep chickens. I, myself, am pro-chicken.
It's just that it delights me beyond belief to be living in a place like this! While the State of the Union may have been front-page copy elsewhere, the big story here is the chicken resolution.
What a wonderful world!