April 26, 2010

food revolution

Have you been watching Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution on television?

In case you've missed it, or even if you've seen the entire series,
this video, posted on the Tribal Times Blog, is worth watching.

Here's a link to sign the petition to improve school food.

April 18, 2010


I'm taking a few days off.

I'm going to leave the house - wander around town - talk to people
- do some shopping - take some pictures -
sit on a bench at the park and do nothing.

I'm turning off the computer.
- no twitter, no etsy, no forums, no blogs
I'm turning off the TV.
no news - no disasters - no drama - no commercials - no canned laughter

I'm ignoring the studio
and pretending for a few days
that I have plenty of money and plenty of time.

Butterfly Hands
on a path at the sculpture garden
Salida, Colorado

April 14, 2010


delicious pink pearls in my {destash} shop

clicking on the picture will take you there

April 10, 2010


I'd like to be here - doing nothing at all.

Photo from Tiny House Blog