September 24, 2007

magazines, beads, and snakes...

My friend, Cindy, and I were driving around town a couple of weeks ago and stopped at
Hannelore's house to shop at her yard sale.

She had 80 issues of old Ornament magazines dating back to 1979.

We bought them all! Every
single one!

was a contributor to Ornament for many years and is the author of the huge and beautiful book, The Jewelry of Nepal.

A few months ago,
she invited me to her home to rummage through a dusty old box of beads she had stashed away from her travels through India and Nepal back in the late 70's. It was like finding buried treasure! I bought a bunch but have not been able to bring myself to use them. Maybe they will hang on my studio wall for a while and belong just to me.

The snake in Hannelore's garden.


Jamie said...

Hi Carol,

I just noticed that you have me on your list of blogs. So glad you found me and I found your blog in return.

What a cool garden sculpture!

Wear Your Wild said...

How lucky can one person get! I would love to see those beads.

I followed a trail from jamie's thread over to yours~