May 02, 2010

studio tour

After moving a few times over the years, Highwood Studio settled nicely into its most recent location.

I rented my little house the moment I saw it and without a second thought just because of the fantastic light that pours in from every direction. Although my work space is tiny and compact, the large windows keep it feeling bright and open.

The work table as it was the first summer in the new space.

I keep the beads out in trays where I can see them all at once.

The shipping table, which I just added this year.

Opposite the work table, Mr. Monkey oversees all computer activities.
The top of the large painted dresser is where I take product pictures
and the drawers hold supplies like jewelry boxes and padded mailers.

Every square inch of the studio is filled up
but it's comfortable and efficient
and flooded with that wonderful natural light.


Anonymous said...

I'm so jealous! Lovely space.

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful space and what I would do for that natural light in my current space!

Lori P said...

That's a great studio! You've got it so organized.

Galit said...

Beautiful space you've got!
That light is priceless and really make the place.

Jan Hennings said...

WOW! So organized!

Unknown said...

What a great space! Wow! I am impressed with your organization. Tell Mr. Monkey hi. ;)

Julie Magers Soulen Photography

Shalon Estrada said...

so neat!

Terri Pezzullo - Handmade said...

Your workspace is beautiful! What a great big window you have for lighting!

earthlyjewels said...

What a lovely space! I recently moved and I have a very small room that I want to transform into my craft space. Thanks for sharing yours!