November 05, 2010


"All changes are like streams
which travel a long way underground
before they come to the surface."

I Ching

It's been four months - a quarter of an entire year - a long lazy summer - since my last post.

While I was away, 1000 Markets closed. Sad. I loved having a shop there, but when that door closed -

I opened a shop on Zibbet. You can visit it here.

And I got a Tumblr account. I love a pretty picture. Each one, I'm told, is worth a thousand words, more or less.

Now I'm dusting off the old blog and rearranging a bit in preparation for the long quiet winter.

I may even sneak around late at night, tweaking past posts, making them more to my liking, because I'm funny {weird} that way.

1 comment:

Lorelei Eurto said...

hi carol!
thanks for following my blog, i am now following yours too! :)
Didn't know about 1000 markets. i used to sell there, but never really ever sold anything, so gave up on it. Your zibbet store looks great! that looks like a nice option. I started a shop at Big Cartel, I like it! $20 a month.